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Buying an Outdoor Coal Furnace: Here’s Information you Need

As fuel prices recently fluctuated, a lot of people look for alternative ways to supply heat and hot water to their homes. These days, coal burning furnace is gaining popularity as a reliable source of energy.

The majority of companies that manufacture outdoor wood furnaces now produce a combination of wood and coal furnaces, although others sell only coal furnaces. This is in compliance with the EPA clean air standards updates for wood furnaces designed to enhance the air quality in areas where wood is burned for heat. The EPA requirements do not cover coal furnaces as long as they are not advertised that they can also burn wood.

Kinds of Coal Used

The two kinds of coal used in coal furnaces are Anthracite and Bituminous. The latter burns easily, so it requires lower combustion temperatures than Anthracite. But, it also releases smoke that contains sulfur oxide and other pollutants as it burns, making it bad for the environment.

Anthracite coal is quite clean and produces nearly no smoke or emissions. It is very low in sulfur content compared to wood and other fossil fuels. But, it is harder to fire up and requires higher combustion temperatures. Because of its lower emissions, it is used in an outdoor coal furnace.

Benefits of Outdoor Coal Furnace

Below are the reasons you must consider an outdoor coal furnace:

  • It is highly available. Industrialized nations, including the United States, have a big quantity of coal they can access. There is an increase in coal production that tends to keep up with the current demand. This means property owners will not have a problem finding a constant source of heating supply.
  • It offers a full-time resource. Unlike solar or wind, coal can be burned round-the-clock to generate energy. This means you will have a reliable coal boiler that offers predictability for a modern society.
  • It is user-friendly. With a coal furnace, you simply have to get a furnace and sustain your system. Some units use an existing chimney, reducing the start-up cost. But, furnaces that do not need a chimney can be simply plugged into the electric outlet. A lot of them are available with automatic stroke and self-loading options, improving the ease of use and efficiency.

Maintaining a Coal Furnace

Typically, a coal furnace requires filling two times every day, once in the morning and in the evening. Also, you must examine the water level every day. Burning coal generates significant ash compared to wood. Because of this, coal furnaces come with shaker grates to clear the ashes into a pan and allow for efficient coal burning. Consider cleaning out the ashes at least once every week and inspect the vent every month.

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